accounting warsaw

Odświeżone: Wtorek, 04 Marzec, 2025  10:16

Szczegóły ogłoszenia

  • Kategoria: Usługi / Usługi prawne i księgowe

Opis oferty

Presentation of Polfinans:

POLFINANS Ltd. performs bookkeeping services in the form of a tax advisory company, which means that besides certified accountants , POLFINANS employs tax advisors. We have been providing professional tax and accounting service of Polish and foreign companies for over 23 years.

POLFINANS Ltd. entered into the official register of legal entities authorized to provide tax advisory services . Currently, there are 408 companies included in that register.

POLFINANS employs 10 persons in order to render bookkeeping services, 8 of whom hold an Accounting Certificate issued by the Minister of Finance. POLFINANS employees speak English and German at the advanced level, including tax and accounting terminology. At the request of the Client accounting and payroll services can be provided online in the OPTIMA i24 software allowing the Client to have remote access to financial and payroll data of the company.

The bookkeeping services department is managed by Mr. Krzysztof WOŹNIAK, who graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the Higher School of Economics in Warsaw. Previously, for 7 years he worked as Chief Accountant in companies with foreign shareholding.

The following person in POLIFINANS provide professional support to the bookkeeping services department as well as rendering of tax advisory services:

Mr Janusz TABOR, a tax advisor, the registration No. 00440, one of the co-founders of POLFINANS. He combines providing tax advisory services with his practical expertise in management accounting.

POLFINANS Ltd. co-operates closely with Ms Joanna Tarkowska, a legal counsel in the affiliated legal firm POLFINANS Limited Partnership. She is an expert in the field of commercial law, company law, law of contracts, international private law (joint-ventures, real estate transactions) and labour law.

Scope of rendered services:

1. Bookkeeping (in accordance with the Polish Accounting Act and the International Accounting Standards);

2. Annual financial statement.

3. Monthly payroll.

4. Personal files.

5. Tax advisory services, in particular:
a) counselling taxpayers and tax remitters,
b) providing written and oral advice,
c) quick and essential advice via e-mail,
d) analysis and revision of draft agreements in terms of tax risks,
e) analysis of contracts concluded by related entities,
f) analysis of changes in the tax law for Clients’ legal position,
g) tax advice on mergers, acquisitions and transformations,
h) tax structures,
i) drawing up applications and documents necessary to launch business activity,
j) applying for tax rulings,
k) representation in tax inspections and proceedings,
l) filing complaints in administrative courts,
m) VAT tax representative for non-EU entities,
n) tax audit,
o) tax planning,
p) tax optimization,
q) transfer pricing documentation,
r) tax training,
s) advice on other public burdens (customs, social security contributions).

6. Other services, in particular:

a) preparing a chart of accounts and enactments of the accounting policies,

b) preparing internal instructions (instruction of document circulation, warehouse instruction, stock-taking instruction),
c) assisting in accounting audits and tax inspections on behalf of the Client,

d) providing advice on sophisticated accounting issues,

e) drafting model financial reports for the Management Board and/or Owners,

f) financial analysis and business plans,

g) advice on internal audit procedures,

h) creating company’s budget,

i) correcting tax and accounting errors,

j) other assignments at the request of the Client,

k) servicing expatriates.

We hope that the presentation above will provide you all valuable information about our company. In order to prepare a detailed offer, please contact directly
Mr Krzysztof Woźniak:
telephone: 22 590 64 00

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Krzysztof Woźniak
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Na od 26 lis 2012
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